Comprehensive Campus Ministry
Together we build One Body in Christ on Campus.
The 12 elements are pathways to Christ that manifest God’s love and call forth specific gifts and charisms.
Community & Hospitality
Builds an environment where all feel welcome, based on Catholic faith and tradition. Provides outreach to all. Creates an atmosphere of Christian hospitality.
Pastoral Care
Provides pastoral counselling, guidance, spiritual direction and support to students, staff and faculty. Knows when and how to provide referrals to professional counselling, medical and spiritual directors/experts. Keeps regular and accessible office hours and times of availability.
Justice and Service
Nurtures students in social consciousness based on the Gospels and Catholic Social Teaching. Provides for justice and service (charity) work. Infuses the concepts of justice, peace, stewardship of creation and human dignity into all aspects of ministry.
Prayer and Sacraments
Provides opportunities for students, staff and faculty to celebrate the Sacraments, especially Eucharist. Offers a variety of prayer experiences. Nurtures personal and community prayer. Provides opportunities and helps others grow in personal relationship with God through spiritual direction and an active, consistent prayer life.
Retreats and Lectures
Provides opportunities to attend retreats that contribute to community, faith development, evangelization and leadership enrichment. Provides opportunities to attend lectures, usually from the local campus, university or area that contributes to the wide range of Catholic thought.
Invites others to experience the grace of God through Jesus Christ. Proposes that relationship with Jesus Christ is li(fe giving, while at the same time accepts the faith journey of each person and the campus culture, which is often secular. Evangelization should be an aspect of all areas of ministry.
Provides opportunities to deepen a relationship with Christ and increase in the knowledge of the Catholic faith. Enriches and expands the understanding of Scripture and Sacred Tradition to help others better “read the signs of the times.”
Leadership Development
Calls forth and affirms the diverse gifts and talents of those whom campus ministry serves for campus involvement, parish leadership, and vocational call. Empowers leadership locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. Promotes the Canadian Catholic Students Association (CCSA) and its initiatives. Encourages attendance and active involvement at CCSA conferences and events.
Campus Presence
Is visible and active outside of the office and chapel. “Loiters with intent.” Is available to students, staff and faculty in their milieu. Collaborates with student services and related departments (includes committee work). university or area that contributes to the wide range of Catholic thought.
Community Involvement
Models and encourages involvement on the campus and in the local community. Is involved in the mission of the college or university. Reaches out to the local community to build bridges between campus and community, campus and youth ministry, campus and high school, campus and diocese.
Ecumenical and Multifaith Involvement
Interacts and collaborates with other Christian denominations and multi-faith communities, especially with ecumenical groups during the Week for Christian Unity and with multi-faith groups regarding peace and dialogue events.
Fostering a Culture of Vocations